Temporary transit
Take advantage of the exclusive benefits of this VIP "All-Inclusive" package, with over 60 years of experience with our brands.

The best alternative to car rental
Very similar to car rental in Europe, it allows you to benefit from a new vehicle during your stay on the Old Continent until 175 days (6 months).
By opting for a car reservation by Temporary Transit (TT), you can now organise your tailor-made stay in Europe and take possession of your car in the city of your choice (20 delivery and return centers throughout Europe).
The guarantee of a successful stay and the optimal car solution for your vacations: this is the double commitment that the services of CAR-2-EUROPE offer you as an alternative to the long term rental of a vehicle.
The advantages of temporary transit
without deductible
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
A very economical duty-free package with no extra charge
CAR-2-EUROPE does everything to simplify the organization of your trip in Europe and offers you an all-inclusive package, without any extra charge. Our TT car reservation formula, available only to non-residents of the European Union, offers you many advantages.
Within the framework of this formula in temporary transit, CAR-2-EUROPE also proposes you a varied range of accessories for each model.
During your stay, CAR-2-EUROPE offers you the opportunity to buy the vehicle permanently and at very advantageous conditions, or to let your loved ones benefit from this offer!
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